Material and immaterial investment choices, guided by a technological road map to…
The scientific and technical roadmap was developed collaboratively with the active involvement of all ADIV teams. An analysis of industry and company needs led to the creation of five key thematic areas.
These five strategic pillars address both societal and environmental challenges, as well as performance and competitiveness goals.

Discover Our 5 R&D Themes

Attractiveness of Careers in the Meat Industry

Industrial Performance and Sustainability of Processing Operations

Product Diversification and Quality to Support the Food Transition

Gestion et management de la sécurité sanitaire pour des produits plus sains et plus durables

S’adresser aux consommateurs pour conceptualiser et valider les produits alimentaires
In Addition to These Themes…
Cross-cutting projects are also being carried out, focusing specifically on issues related to the processing of animal co-products, as well as the management of industrial organizations in connection with attractiveness, working conditions, and employment within the sector.
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